My parents traveled overseas after my dad’s Army career with me in tow – I suppose visions of the lands of Asia Minor & Macedonia are lodged in my brain somewhere!
Every visit to my Great-Grammy Neel’s home in Fresno, CA began with a tour of her garden, greeted by her big smile, heaps of love and a fresh flower tucked in her hair.
My mom loves to cook and garden-fresh ingredients magnify her joy! I remember once she came home from the Berkeley Bowl with a big bunch of basil and thrust it to my nose—her sheer excitement over the scent and its possibilities for our dinner’s delight has infused me for life. I am always happy to add herbs to everything. Every recipe for our website passes on her joy.
J.Miller Flowers Oakland, CA
I loved working with the flowers and had no idea I would someday write about them!
B.A. Psychology, 1988
He brought me out into a spacious place;
he rescued me because he delighted in me.
2 Samuel 22:20 NIV
…all leading to a book bontract. Who knew??
With God All Things Are Possible
Matthew 19:26 NIV
God’s Word for Gardeners Bible
See I am doing a new thing
Isaiah 43:19 NIV
…a new collaboration! Garden devotions illustrated with herbarium speciemns and botanical artwork from BRIT’s immense collections
COMING SOON to a garden gift shop near you
GardenComm Media Awards Silver Medal winner, Newspaper Article >20K with The Dallas Morning News