God’s Word for Gardeners Bible, the gardener’s devotional originally published in 2014, is packed full of information about plants from the holy landscape…plants that will find a happy home in your landscape, too! As you draw up your garden design plans, include a few from the Scriptures to grow your faith as you grow your garden. Use this handy index to help you find the plants you are fascinated about.
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Plant Index
©2019 Shelley S. Cramm
key: Bold = Featured Plant essay Blue = Hebrew plant name Italics = Botanical name
Abies cilica, 357
‘abiyowah, caper or desire, 755
Acacia raddiana, 94
acacia tree, 73, 94
Acanthaceae, 1250
Acanthus syriacus, 1249
acanthus, 1249
Adantium capillus-veneris, 273
adash, lentils, 30, 376
agar, agarwood, 639
Aleppo pine, 358, 1249
Allium spp., 177
allown, or ‘elown, oak, 835
Almond, “First Watch,” 843
almonds, 223
Aloes, “All About Aroma,” 639
Amaryllidaceae, 802
Amaryllidaceae, see Liliaceae, 177, 802
American sycamore, 1187
Amygdalus communis, 843
Anacardiaceae, 66, 223
Anemone coronaria, 1173
Anthemis palestina, 73
Apiaceae, see Umbelliferae, 95, 795
Apple,”A Word Apple-ly Spoken,” 737
apricot, 737
Aquillaria agallocha, 639
arab, poplar or willow, 223
Arecaceae, 288
Artemis, 244
Artemisia judacia, 244
Asparagaceae, see Liliaceae, 426
Asteraceae, see Compositae, 73, 174, 224, 244, 736
Autumn crocus, “Bursting into Bloom,” 802
crocus, 272, 565, 802
Balanites aegyptiaca, 854
Balm of Gilead, 854
Balm, “Balmy Breezes,” 854
balm, 223, 854
barley harvest, 107, 1234
barley, 29, 73, 222
Barley, “Reaping Abundance,” 922
Bay laurel, “Bay Laurel,” 632
bay laurel, 1249
beans, 30
Bear’s breeches, 1249
berosh or berowsh, evergreen tree, 356, 357
betsel, onions, 177
Bitter Herbs, “Bitter Beginnings,” 174
black cumin, 795
boten, pistachio nuts, 66
boxwood, 358
Brassica nigra, 1098
Brassicaceae, see Cruciferae, 1098, 1099
burning bush, 94
Burseraceae, 564, 854
Buxaceae, 358
Buxus sempervirens ‘longifolia’, 358
Caesalpiniaceae, 1083
caper berry, caper bush, 755
Caper, “Growing Desire,” 755
Capparaceae, 755
Capparis spinosa, 755
Caprifoliaceae, 358
caraway, 795
Carob, “Locust Lead Us to the Lord,” 1083
caster oil plant, 29-30
cedar of Lebanon lumber, 393
Cedar of Lebanon, “Exalt the Name,” 475
“How the Lord Grows Us,” 670
Cedar of Lebanon, 355-56
cedar, 643
Cedrus libani, 356
cenah, thorny or burning bush, 94
Ceratonia siliqua, 1083
chabatstseleth, flowers, 802
chamomile, 73
chatsiyr, leeks, 177
chicory, 174
chittah, wheat or grain, 29
Cichorium endivia, 174
Cichorium intybus, 174
Cilician fir, 357
cinnamon, 272
Cinnamonmum zeylanicum, 272
Cirsium spp., 736
Cistaceae, 223
Cistus salviafolius, 223
Citron, “Goodly Trees,” 153
Citrus medica, 153
Cochicum autumnale, 802
Colchicum stevenii, 802
Commiphora gileadensis, 854
Commiphora myrrha, 564
Commiphora opobalsamum, 854
Compositae, 73, 174, 224, 244, 736
Convallaria majalis, 272
coriander 95
Coriandrum sativum, 95
Crocus hymelis, 802
Crocus sativus, 802
Crown anemone, “Flowers and Faithfulness,” 1173
Cruciferae, 1098, 1099
Cucumber, “Cultivating Worship,” 768
Cucumis sativus, 768
Cucurbitaceae, 768
Cumin, “He Knows, 795
cumin, 1112
Cuminum cyminum, 795
Cupressaceae, 357
Cupresus sempervirens var. horizontalis, 357, 564
cuwph, common reed, 72
Cynara spp., 736
Cyperaceae, 580
Cyperus papyrus, 580
cypress wood, 358
Cyprus dandelion, 224
dagan, wheat or grain, 129
dandelions, 174, 224
date palm, 30, 222
Date palm, “The Righteous Palm,” 289
dibyown, dove’s dung, 426
dill, 1112
dove’s dung, 426
durum wheat, 129
eaglewood, 639
Eastern red cedar, 357
einkorn wheat, 29
Elaeagnaceae, 1139
Elaeagnus angustifolia, 1139
elah, terebinth, 223
emmer wheat, 29, 129
endive, 174
escarole, 174
eshel, tamarisk, 94
etrog, citron fruit, 153
evergreen cypress, 357, 564, 1249
Fabaceae, 376
Fagaceae, 835
Feast of Tabernacles, 223, 229, 153, 551, 552
Feast of Unleavened Bread, 107, 129, 1117
Feast of Weeks, 129, 151
Ficus carica, 5, 15
Ficus sycomoros, 5-6, 15
field greens, 174
Fig, “Restoring Bitter to Sweet,” 15
“Fruiting, Not Leaving,” 16
fig tree, 5, 15, 16, 222, 1187
Flax, “Faith in Action,” 253
flaxseed, flaxseed meal, 253
frisee, 174
gad, coriander, 95
Garlic, “No Crying Over Onions,” 177
goodly tree, 153
Gramineae, 29, 72, 129, 922
grapes, 222
Grapevine, “Intertwined History,” 1215
grass, 670
Greek juniper, 356
green bay tree, 633
henna, 564
Hibiscus syriacus, 272
Hordeum sativum, 29
Hordeum vulgare, 29, 922
Hyssop, “Cleanse Me with Hyssop,” 643
hyssop, 73
Iridaceae, 802
Italian cypress, 357, 564, 1249
juniper, 356
Juniperus excelsa, 356
karkom, saffron, 802
Kermes oak, 835, 1249
la’anah, wormwood, 244
Labiatae, 643
ladanum or labdanum, 223
Lamiaceae, see Labiatae, 643
Lauraceae, 272, 633, 1249
Laurus nobilis, 633, 1249
laurustinus, 357-58
Lawsonia inermis, 564
Leeks, “No Crying Over Onions,” 177
Leguminosae, see Caesalpiniaceae, 1083
Leguminosae, see Fabaceae, 94, 1083
Lens esculenta, 30, 376
lentils, 30
Lentils, “Don’t Be Implusive,” 376
lettuce, 174
lign-aloes, 639
Liliaceae, 177, 272, 426, 802, 1250
lilies, 1173
Lilium candidum, 272
lily of the valley, 272
Linaceae, 253
linen, 253
linseed oil, 253
Linum usitatissimum, 253
locust tree, 1083
London plane trree, 1187
lot, rock rose, 223
lulav, date palm frond, 229
Lythraceae, 564
Lythraceae, see Punicaceae, 1056
Madona lily, 272
maidenhair fern, 273
Malvaceae, 272
Mandragora officinarum, 273
mandrake, 273
meadow saffron, 802
meror, bitter herbs, 174
millet, 29
mint, 1112
Moraceae, 5
more, myrrh, 224, 564
mulberry-fig, 6
mustard greens, 1098, 1099
Mustard, “Peppery With Possibilities,” 1098
myrrh, 223, 271, 564
Myrtaceae, 551
Myrtle, “Celebrate with Great Joy!” 551
Myrtus communis, 551
narcissus, 565
nard, 271
Nardostachys jatamansi, 271
Nigella sativa, 795
Nigella, “He Knows,” 795
nitzanium, flowers, 1250
nutmeg flower, 795
Nymphaea lotus, 72
Nymphaeaceae, 72
Oak, “Abraham’s Oak,” 835
Olea europeaea, 23, 1139, 1249
Oleaceae, 835, 1139
oleaster, 1139
olive tree, 23, 222, 1061, 1139
Olive, “Olive’s Peace and Blessing,” 23
Onions, “No Crying Over Onions,” 177
Origanum syriacum, 643
Ornithogalum ssp., 426
Palestine oak, 835
Paliurus spina-christi, 1148
palm branches, 229, 288,
Palmae, see Arecaceae, 30, 288
Panicum miliaceum, 29
Papilionaceae, 94
Papyrus, “Source of Hope,” 580
Phoenix dactylifera, 30, 288
Phragmites australis, 72
Pinaceae, 356, 357, 358
Pinus halepensis, 358, 1249
pistachio nuts, 223
Pistachio, “Belly Full of Fruit,” 66
Pistacia atlantica, 223
Pistacia vera, 66
Plane tree, “Plane Sight,” 1187
Plantanaceae, 1187
Plantanus occidentalis, 1187
Platanus orientalis, 1187
Poaceae, see Gramineae, 29, 72, 129, 922
pods, 1083
pomegranate, 222, 564
Pomegranate, “Wonderful Blessing,”1057
poplar trees, 223
Populus euphratica, 223
powl, beans, 30
Prunus dulcis, 843
Prunus amygdalus, 843
Prunus armeniaca, 737
Prunus malus, 737
Punica granatum, 564, 1056
Punicaceae, 1056
qaneh, common reed, 72
qiyqayown, gourd or castor oil plant, 29-30
Quercus coccifera, 835, 1249
radicchio, 174
ranuculi, 565
Ranuculaceae, 1173
reed, common reed, 72
Retama raetam, 94-95
retting, 253
Rhamnaceae, 1148
Ricinus communis, 29-30
rimmown, pomegranate, 564
rock rose, 223
Rosaceae, 94, 737, 843
rose of Sharon, 272
Rubus sanctus, 94
Russian olive, 1139
Rutaceae, 153
saffron crocus, 802
Salicaceae, 223
seed pods, 426
seven species, 222
shaqam, sycomore-fig, 5-6
shaqed, almond branch, 843
sheber, wheat or corn, 72
shittah, acacia, 94
shuwm, garlic, 177
shuwshan, lily, 272, 1173
Solanaceae, 273
southern maidenhair fern, 274
spelt, 29
spikenard, 271
Star of Bethlehem, “Bethlehem’s Star,” 426
star of Bethlehem, 73
Sternbergia clusiana, 802
sycomore-fig, 5-6
Syrian acanthus, 1249-50
tamar, date palm, 30
Tamaricaceae, 94
tamarisk, 73, 94
Tamarix nilotica, 94
Taraxacum cyprium, 224
te’em, fig, 5
terebinth tree, 223
Thistles, “An Untended Field,” 736
Thorns, “Crown of Thorns,” 1148
threshing, 129
Thymelaceae, 639
Triticum compositum, 72
Triticum dicoccum, 29, 129
Triticum durum, 129
Triticum monococcum, 29
Triticum spelta, 29
tsiyts sadeh, flowers of the field, 73
Tulipa montana, 1250
tulips, 565, 1250
Umbelliferae, 95, 795
Valerianaceae, 272
Viburnum tinus, 357-58
Vicia faba, 30
vines, 1215, 1216, 1217, 1218, 1219, 1220
vineyards, 1022, 1107
Vitaceae, 1215
Vitis vinifera, 1215
water lily, 72
wheat harvest, 151, 1234
Wheat, “Harvest for Holiness,” 129
wheat, 29, 72-73, 222, 922, 1099
white broom, 94-95
white lily, 272
white lotus, 72
wild olive, 1139
Wormwood, “Bitter is a Heart Turned Away,” 244
zayith, olive, 23
zera, seed, 1080
Zygophyllaceae, 854