Our Plant Guide is expanding! Announcing new plants for you to cultivate-or some old friends you may never have realized have a home in God’s Word. May Scriptures pour off the page and into your heart as you work and take care of them in your garden.
By now an old favorite, hyssop took on a whole new look this week in my garden when it burst into bloom. Truly, the petite white blossoms appear on branch tips as a dust of snow, another layer of horticultural insight to the verse “whiter than snow” (Psalm 51:7). See hyssop in the Plant Guide.
Homegrown cucumbers are a true delight – those we buy in stores must be wax-coated to survive traveling from the fields to town. Enjoy the texture sensation of cucumbers from your garden – or befriend a neighbor who already started their crop. My friend Lynne blessed me today with one from her vines since mine are just barely twining. See cucumber in the Plant Guide.
Leeks have been a delightful discovery! I began to enjoy them from the grocers years ago but was curious grow a more slender variety than I usually find for sale. Finding them in Scripture was the push I needed to sow their seeds for myself. When one formed a flower bud in my garden the other day, it was simply so exciting! See leeks in the Plant Guide.