Do you take garden notes at the end of the season, writing down what thrived and what died, a journal or record to refer …
Browsing among the Lilies in The Bride’s Garden
Gardeners, are you ready to decorate your garden with showy, scent-sational blooms? Browsing among the lilies, a poetic …
The Bride’s Garden
Welcome to The Bride’s Garden, a 7-week series for the Lenten Season, focusing our thoughts and meditations on God’s …
Happy Old Year 2023
Blessing you to God’s best and brightest in the Happy New Year! But first, take a garden walk with me to remember the …
Scripture Garden
Have your summer travels taken you to faraway gardens? I was excited to visit an old favorite last week, one of …
A Lenten Look at Flowers of the Field
The Lenten season began yesterday, 40 days sectioned off as a prelude to Easter Sunday. Why set apart these days? To …