The holy month of evergreen delight is here—deck the halls, decorate home and haven, no hesitation here!
The glory of Lebanon will come to you, the juniper, the fir and the cypress together, to adorn my sanctuary
Isaiah 60:13 NIV
I love bringing out the evergreens, for nearly every sprig or bough, in garland, wreath, or topiary, connects us to Biblical plants, mostly those tucked into Isaiah’s plants lists (Isaiah 41:19-20 & 60:13)—fir, pine, cedar, cypress, juniper, boxwood, along with myrtle and olive. With these references, we are easily drawn to botanical beauty in God’s Word, trees planted to attract our attention to the everlasting power and glory of the Lord.
I will make trees grow in the desert. There will be cedars, acacia, myrtle and olive trees. I will put pine, fir and cypress trees growing together in the desert. People will see these things and understand. Together they will think carefully about these things. They will know that the Lord’s power did this. They will know that the Holy One of Israel made these things.
Isaiah 41:19-20 ICB
Surprising Cypress
This season, I have noticed a growing supply of cultivated lemon cypress, varieties of Cupressus macrocarpa, a relative of the cypress of the Bible, Cupressus sempervirens. The bright, vivid green color surprises, a “lemon twist” so to speak, breaking from traditional deep greens. Are you ready to lighten things up this season? Try tiny topiaries in a row as a centerpiece, or plant 1 or 3 gallon trees as a “thriller” in container pots.
Click here for detailed care for lemon cypress
If you live in Zone 8 or warmer, you can move these saplings to the garden in the New Year; pair with ‘lemon-lime’ nandina from the Southern Living Plant Collection for sunny green zest in the landscape. If your garden remains under snow for the winter, keep the cypress well-watered indoors as a beacon of light for spring days to come.
Now those people live in darkness. But they will see a great light. They live in a place that is very dark. But a light will shine on them.
Isaiah 9:2, Matthew 4:16 NIV
Darkness to light…deserts to forests…these are the works of the Lord resounding through the landscape so they will hum forever in our hearts—our God saves.
Skies, sing for joy because the Lord did great things! Earth, shout for joy, even in your deepest parts! Sing, you mountains, with thanks to God. Sing, too, you trees in the forest! The Lord saved the people of Jacob!
Isaiah 44:23 ICB
Cypress joins the Plant Guide! Link to
For more devotions on the evergreens, see Cedars of Lebanon in the Garden Tour section of God’s Word for Gardeners Bible, page a-17
For more ideas on decorating and designing gardens with the Biblical evergreens, see former Christmas blogs on boxwood, cedar, cypress, and evergreen allegory in the nativity.
Photo Credits:
©2017 Shelley S. Cramm