During days full of strive and struggle, how pleasant is the thought of curling up with a cozy quilt and a good book, warmed by the savory steam of freshly-brewed coffee? O Lord, thank you for the sweet relief in a moment’s rest, a pause and linger in the face of pressures!
Book Review
Coffee for Roses offers such respite, a devotional-style book of gardening wisdom, with advice written in short, digestible essays by C.L. Fornari. Coffee for Roses leaves me with a sense that Fornari has joined me for the java; her dispense of know-how is personal and humorous, a welcome pick-me-up to be strong and get back to the struggle.
I recommend this book for the gardener who has responded to the desire to get started, a gift for one who has a few seasons‘ experience and is now trying to decipher her results and move forward in increasing and filling her garden life. Fornari confronts many of the myths perpetuated at the garden center and blogs like mine (!). She confesses to following many of these foolish ways herself in the beginning, a comfort to my own misguided attempts over the years (even this year!). Her revelations free us from frivolous practices and help us get to the heart of successful results.
Do roses benefit from coffee?
Coffee for Roses makes a great Christmas gift for the gardener on your list. Even its cover is festive with the colors of the season…despite the proverbial prompt to look past a book’s cover, an inviting cover image is a gift in itself.
And do roses benefit from coffee? You’ll have to read and see for yourself!
Get to know C.L. Fornari—garden writer, gifted speaker, blogger, radio host, and garden personna—on her weekly broadcast “The Garden Lady,“ WRKO AM680 The Voice of Boston, Saturday afternoons. Shelley S. Cramm joins the show Saturday, November 28th, for a lively discussion about her personal gardening revival through researching and writing God’s Word for Gardeners, and her joys in sharing garden delights with her family and readers. Hear a few of her favorite plants to grow and time-saving tips to inspire your own #gardeningrevival .
She looks over a field and buys it, then, with money she’s put aside, plants a garden.
Proverbs 31:16 The Message

For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul.
Proverbs 2:6-10 NIV
Photo Credits: ©2015 Shelley S. Cramm Coffee for Roses by C.L. Fornari photographed at home in the garden