My acquaintance with bay leaves began by way of cooking. My mother introduced us when I was young by seasoning her …
2 Words to Rock your Garden
1. Rest. Everything that fills a garden need not be green or growing; sometimes a moment of rest is the best occupation …
Welcomed Home with Garden Wonders
How wonderful the infusion of scent, beauty and blooms to the frazzle of my day! Take me away, dear garden, dear God; …
Keeping Company with Cucumbers
Are you wondering about homegrown cucumbers this spring? The National Garden Bureau has declared 2014 the Year of the …
Worry & Wildflowers
Today I woke up with worry…how you must hate to see your saints waking up with worry, O God! How many times you tell me …
March Maddening Snowstorms
Late winter snowstorms are more likely to cause a sneer than a smile—March madness of another sort! The snow that added …
Pomegranate Tease
Leafed out! What are you doing, little pomegranate tree?! I brought you inside to shelter you from the polar vortex …