Cedar of Lebanon
Cedrus libani
Pinaceae, Pine Family
The trees of the Lord are well watered, the cedars of Lebanon that he planted.
Psalm 104:16
Find cedar of Lebanon in the NIV God's Word for Gardeners Bible as a featured landscape in the Garden Tour section, beginning on page a-17 & as part of the Garden Stories theme of Israel's Horticultural Allegories near Judges 9:14
The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon.
Psalm 92:12
Cultural Information
Type | Ornamental Tree |
Height | 100 feet or higher |
Soil | moist, sandy, rocky, well-drained |
Exposure | full sun |
Leaves | bright green-with-a-hint-of-blue needles, 1 inch long, stand upright on branches in clustered tufts |
Fruit | large, oblong cones, tightly packed scales forming large bird-egg-like appearance, fresh green turning to a soft brown color, sit upright on branches |
Planting Tips
- Zone 6
- trees slow-growing for over 1000 years
- canopy will grow vertically and then spread horizontally to form an umbrella-like canopy spreading over 50 feet wide
- trunk will reach a girth of 8 feet or more
- open, airy branching allows glimpses of the trees' multiple trunks
Garden to Table
- enjoy cedar of Lebanon cones in a decorative bowl for a unique display or centerpiece (though after a time, cones will disintegrate)
- add branches to holiday greenery and garlands
- despite all of the trees' unique features, its fragrance remains its most captivating quality (Hosea 14:6). Fill your home and workspace with cedar of Lebanon-scented candles
More Research
See Blog Posts on Cedar of LebanonFantastic forests of cedar covered the Lebanese mountains, a refreshing change from the unrelenting Mediterranean sun across the Fertile Crescent. Contrasting the expanse and exposure of recent weeks — the wearisome moving, wandering and working through the landscapes — we come to God’s glory in the groves; the mighty trees backdrop Israel’s establishment as a kingdom, with David and his son Solomon building palaces and the temple with prized cedar lumber.
-from the NIV God's Word for Gardeners Bible
The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon.
Psalm 92:12
Photo Credits
© Elianehaykal | Dreamstime.com - Cedar Forest Of Lebanon photo taken August, 2011
© Catthesun | Dreamstime.com - Cedar Cones upright on the branch June 2012
© 2011 Shelley S. Cramm Cedar of Lebanon trees planted at the Hoyt Arboretum in Portland, OR. These "babies" are only 90 or so years old whose growth has not yet begun to spread horizontally